1000 portreta

Hassan Al-Thawadi (1978) – Jako / Strong

29 Nov , 2017  

Za nekoga ko dolazi iz male, ekonomski siromašne zemlje prvi susret sa Hasanom je bio pravi šok.Ono što uvek nedostaje, izgleda da postoji. A to je čovek, koji je u stanju da odgovori na sve te optužbe razvijenih zemalja koje slušamo svakodnevno, najčešće bez ideje da nam pomognu, već samo sa željom da neko bude sankcionisan. Kako inače okvalifikovati sve optužbe koje trpi Katar samo zato što se usudio, a zatim i dobio organizaciju Svetskog kupa u fudbalu, ako ne kao cinične. Međutim, niko to nije jasno rekao kao Hasan, postavljajući kontra pitanje: Da je Engleska pobedila, da li bi neko ispitivao rezultat? Mislim da su ga svi razumeli, a kako i ne bi kada je govorio na perfektnom engleskom na način koji razumeju. Kako i ne bi kad je školovan u Engleskoj i slučajno je i jedan od najuspešnijih Arapa.

Mi živimo u svetu koji nas upozorava na probleme koji postoje, rekao je Al Tavadi. Ali mi ostvarujemo na nezamislivo. I upravo je to suština, postoji mnogo problema, ali oni nisu nešto sa čime se suočava samo jedna zemlja i ne mogu se rešiti tako što se vide samo u tuđem dvorištu, već univerzalnim pristupom jednakim za sve. Ne znam koliko puta treba napisati da ne treba raditi drugima nešto što ne želite da se radi vama. Podjednako važi i za razvijene i nerazvijene. Susret sa Hasanom je bio na sportskoj konferenciji, pa je time njegova pojava bila autentičnija. Kamo sreće kada bi i druge zemlje imale Hasana. Ovako najčešće ćute. Možda bi rešenje bilo da Hasanu dodele rusko državljanstvo pa da konačno čujemo i rusku stranu. Ovako završavamo treću godinu bez ruskih sportista na internacionalnim takmičenjima i bez ikakvog razumnog objašnjenja. A ono što su mogli da nauče od Hasana da ih problem ne sme zaustaviti ako je volja za uspehom dovoljno jaka.

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game

For someone coming from a small, economically poor country, the first encounter with Hasan was a real shock. What’s always missing, it seems to exist. And this is a man who is able to answer all these accusations of the developed countries we listen to everyday, most often without the idea to help us, but only with the desire to sanction us. How else to qualify all the accusations that Qatar suffers only because it dared, and then got the organization of the World Cup in football, if not as cynical. However, no one made it clear as Hassan, answering by the contra question: If England had won, would anyone have questioned the result? I think everyone understood it, and how not since he speaks in perfect English and in a way that they understand. Quite normal for somebody educated in England who is one of the most successful Arabs.

We are living in a world that pokes holes in our dreams, Al Thawadi said. But we are delivering on the unimaginable. And that’s exactly the essence, there are many problems, but they are not something that only one country faces and cannot be solved by being seen only in someone else’s yard, but by a universal approach that is equal to everything. I do not know how many times it should be written that you do not have to do something to somebody that you do not want to be done to you. It is equally valid for both developed and underdeveloped. The meeting with Hassan was at a sports conference, which made his appearance more authentic. It would be nice that other countries had Hassan. Thus they are often silent. Perhaps the solution would be to grant Hasan Russian citizenship so that we finally hear the Russian side. This is how we end the third year without Russian athletes at international competitions and without reasonable explanation. And what they could learn from Hasan that the problem should not stopped us if the will to succeed is strong enough.

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game

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