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Nebojša Arsenijević (1958) – Hvala, rektore / Thank you, Chancellor

22 Feb , 2018  

Imao sam prilike da posetim Medicinski fakultet u Kragujevcu i pre nego što ga je reformisao Prof. dr Nebojša Arsenijevići bio je potpuno suprotan onome što danas vidimo u toploj, lepo uređenoj zgradi, gde jednostavno sve funkcioniše. I da ne pomislite da je najvažniji taj estetski utisak, prešao bih odmah na suštinu, a to je stvaranje sredine gde ljudi mogu da uče, rade i imaju čemu da se nadaju. Danas je bilo dirljivo gledati četiri mlade doktorke kako eksperimentišu na srcu miša koji ima metabolički sindrom. To nije bilo moguće dok je fakultet bio tezga prestoničkih profesora, jer su takve doktorke postojale samo u Beogradu. Danas je Fakultet medicinskih nauka u Kragujevcu postao rasadnik mladih stručnjaka, koji nisu otišli u inostranstvo, već su se „naučno” pronašli u svom gradu. I nisu se samo oni pronašli, veći veliki broj mislećih doktora iz cele zemlje, i naravno većina onih koji nisu privilegovani da rade u Kliničkom centru Srbije. U ove poslednje spadam i ja i moje kolege iz sportske medicine. Jednostavno da nema Kragujevca, mi ne bi imali gde se iskažemo, a ako pogledate „pub med” videćete da imamo šta da pokažemo. Nije danas ni bilo lako da prekinem skijanje sa unukama i da po nenormalnoj magli odem sa Kopa do Kragujevca i da se po još lošijem vremenu se vratim nazad. Ali, ozbiljan je posao dizajniranje doktorata i morao sam da podržim svoju saradnicu. Prisustvovao sam mnogim odbranama dizajna doktorata u inostranstvu, a ovo u Kragujevcu je najsličnije tome. Za mene je od uvek to bio najvažniji korak u pisanju teze. Naravno, toj ozbiljnosti je kumovao Prof. Aresnijević. I kada tako reformišete fakultet, odnosno univerzitet, vi imate mnogo neprijatelja. Većina njih nije dorasla svom zadatku, a mali broj se poslužio onim što nije dozvoljeno, a to je odavanje informacija koje su dobili od samog rektora i to novinama u stranom vlasništvu koje vode pravu antikampanju. Međutim, to nije ništa novo u Srbiji. I austrougarske novine su pisale o Vuku Karadžići kao čoveku koji je pokvario ćirilicu, ili Dositeju Obradoviću kao reformatoru srpske kulture koji je više pisao na stranim jezicima, nego na srpskom. Ovim ne želim da uporedim Nebojšu sa Vukom ili Dositejem, već da iskažem činjenicu da reforme u Srbiji nikada nisu bile lako prihvaćene. A to što je pala po neka teška reč ili psovka je deo procesa koji nije važan koliko sama reforma, odnosno kako kaže Džordž Bernard Šou „Moramo da reformišemo društvo pre nego što reformišemo nas same”

PS. Umesto crno bele slike rektora, priredili smo ulje na platnu (rad Dejana Micova) kao znak podrške protiv bahatih novina.

I had the opportunity to visit the Faculty of Medicine in Kragujevac before it was reformed by Professor. Dr. Nebojsa Arsenijevic and it was completely opposite to what we see today in a warm, nicely decorated building, where everything works. And in order that you do not think that this aesthetic impression is most important, I would go immediately to the fundamental, which is the creation of an environment where people can learn, work, and have something to hope for. Today, it was touching to watch four young doctors experimenting on the heart of a mouse that has a metabolic syndrome. This was not possible while the Faculty was the booth of the professors from the Capital, because such doctors existed only in Belgrade. Today, the Faculty of Medical Science in Kragujevac became a nursery of young experts who did not go abroad, but found „scientifically“ in their city. And not only they find themselves, but a larger number of thinking doctors from all over the country, and of course most of those who are not privileged to work at the Clinical Center of Serbia. In these last I belong to myself and my colleagues in sports medicine. If there is no Kragujevac, we would not have a place to show up, and if you look at the „Pub Med“ you will see that we have something to show. It was not easy for me to stop skiing with my grandchildren today, and through an abnormal fog left Koponik to Kragujevac and, in a much worse weather, went back. But it’s a serious job to design a PhD, and I had to support my associate. I attended many PhD designs defence in foreign countries, and this in Kragujevac is the most similar to them. For me it has always been the most important step in writing the PhD. Of course, this seriousness was influenced by Prof. Aresnijevic. And when you reform something, you have a lot of enemies. Most of them did not come up with their task, and a small number used to do what was not allowed, which was by giving information they got from the rector himself, to foreign-owned newspapers that are running the real anti campaign. However, this is nothing new in Serbia. In the past, the Austro-Hungarian newspapers wrote about Vuk Karadzic as a man who ruined the Cyrillic letters, or Dositej Obradovic as a reformer of Serbian culture, who wrote more on foreign languages then on Serbian. I do not want to compare Nebojša with Vuk or Dositej, but to point out the fact that reforms in Serbia have never been easily accepted. And the fact that some hard word or cursing are said is part of a process that is not as important as the reform itself, or as George Bernard Shaw said: „We have to reform society before we can reform ourselves.“

PS. Instead of a black and white picture of the Chancellor, Oil on the canvas (by Dejan Micov) is painted as a sign of support against yellow newspapers.


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