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Trajan Kojić (1948) – moj sveštenik / my priest

21 Nov , 2017  

Bio sam u Hilandaru, i za razliku od prvog puta imao sam priliku da pričam sa monasima.Nisam se baš pokazao.  Iako sam primetio da mi nije zamereno, nije normalno da sa odobravanjem bude prihvaćeno da ne idem redovno u crkvu ili da sam nakon 20 godina prestao da postim, a da ne znam ni razlog. Bilo je tu još bisera, ali čini mi se da sam se najviše obrukao, jer se nisam setio prezimena svog sveštenika. A moj sveštenik Trajan to nije zaslužio, ako ni zbog čega drugog,  onda zbog toga što je venčao moju ćerku, krstio moje unuke, i redovno nam sveti vodicu poslednju deceniju. Nije on ni običan sveštenik, već protojerej-stavrofor, što znači da ga je  Sveti arhijerejski sinod Srpske pravoslavne crkve odlikovao ovim najvišim crkvenim odlikovanjem zbog toga što je sebe i ceo svoj život ugradio u Crkvu. Otuda i naziv protojerej, što znači onaj koji nosi krst. Otac Trajan je doprineo vraćanju ugleda crkvi Svetog Marka, a ono što me je posebno dirnulo je to što je obnovio kriptu gde su položeni posmrtni ostaci kralja Aleksandra i kraljice Drage Mašin. Ispada da crkva Svetog Marka čuva ostatke najvećeg srpskog vladara cara Dušana i poslednjeg iz dinastije Obrenovića, a da nikada nije dobili mesto koje joj pripada u srpskoj crkvi i u narodu. Možda mi jedino nedostaje uloga duhovnika kod oca Trajana, ali kako sam naučio u Hilandaru, za to čovek mora da se izbori, pa to onda i Bog podrži. A borba podrazumeva pre svega molitvu, i vraćanje sebi, pa se onda ni ne desi da čovek zaboravi kako mu se preziva sveštenik.

I was in Hilandar, and unlike the first time I had the opportunity to talk to the monks. I did not really show up. Although I noticed that it did not find fault with, it is not normal to be approved that I do not go regularly to the church or that after 20 years I stopped religious fasting, and that I do not even know the reason. There were other pearls, but it seems to me that I was the most upset, because I did not remember the family name of my priest. And my priest Trajan did not deserve it, if for any other reason, then because he married my daughter, he baptized my grandchildren, and regularly consecrate the water for the last decade. He is not even an ordinary priest, but a protojerej-stavrofor, which means that the Holy Orthodox Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has distinguished him with this highest ecclesiastical award because he dedicated himself and his whole life to the Church. Hence the name of the protojerej, which means the one who carries the cross. Father Trajan contributed to restoring the reputation of St. Mark’s Church, and what particularly touched me was that he restored the crypt where the remains of King Alexander and Queen Draga Masin were laid. It turns out that the Church of St Mark preserves the remains of the greatest Serbian ruler, Emperor Dusan and the last one from the Obrenovic dynasty, and never got the place that belongs to it in the Serbian church and in the people. Perhaps I only miss the role of a priest with Father Trajan, but as I learned in Hilandar, for this man must struggle, and then God also supports it. And the struggle involves above all praying, and returning to yourself, and then it does not happen that a man forgets what is the name of his priest.

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