Svi ekstremni sportisti su čudni,osim što svi imaju tu želju za avanturom, svako je poseban. Tako je i Ziya pronašao sebe u paraglajdingu, radu na užetu (rope acess) , penjanju po stenama, planinarenju, poštovanju prirode i ekologije, ali i posvećenom predavanju studentima elektronike. Ako počnemo od ovog poslednjeg, imamo slične probleme, jer izgleda da studenti ni u Azebejdžanu ne žele mnogo da čitaju ili da pronađu dodatnu literaturu ne bi li naučili više. Da bi proverio koliko su pažljivi na času, Ziya traži da u nekoliko redova napišu ono što je najvažnije. I kao u Srbiji često nalazi na „copy paste“ sastave, što je neka vrsta funkcionalne nepismenosti. Ziya o politici ne priča, ali zato voli svoju zemlju. I ako je imao odličnih ponuda da radi napolju, nije ih prihvatio. I zaista u dva dana smo imali prilike da vidimo zašto, od potpuno nepoznate obale Kaspijskog mora, do vulkana sa blatom i pravih planinskih masiva nedaleko od Bakua. Jednostavno uživa u svemu, vožnji svoje tojote korole (ponekad brže nego što treba) koja je prešla preko 400 hiljada kilometra po celom Azerbejdžanu, jahanju konja u planini, neposrednoj priči sa meštanima, ali i razumevanju svih fenomena savremenog sveta. Možda ga najmanje interesuje fudbal, jer kaže da se za to vreme može da uradi dosta korisnih stvari. Jedino je možda neobično što mladić od 34 godine U Azerbejdžanu nije oženjen, ali i tu ima krajnje originalno mišljenje, da nije važno da li je devojka lepa ili bogata, već da li im se misli slažu. I čine se da je opet u pravu. Treba biti iskren, voleti svoju zemlju, nesebično učiti druge i biti otvoren za sve, i naravno biti oprezan u svim tim vratolomijama.
All extreme athletes are mysterious, except that everyone has that desire for adventure. Everyone is special. So Ziya found himself in paragliding, rope access, rock climbing, hiking, respect for nature and ecology, but also dedicated to teaching electronics students. If we start from the latter, we have similar problems because students in Azerbaijan do not want to read much or find additional literature to learn more. To check how careful they are in class, Ziya asks them to write in a few lines what is most important. And as in Serbia, he often finds himself on „copy-paste“ compositions, which is a kind of functional illiteracy. Ziya doesn’t talk about politics, but he loves his country. And if he had great offers to work outside, he did not accept them. And indeed, in two days, we had the opportunity to see why, from the utterly unknown shore of the Caspian Sea to the volcanoes with mud and real mountain massifs not far from Baku. He enjoys everything, driving his Toyota Corolla (sometimes faster than necessary) that has traveled over 400 thousand kilometers all over Azerbaijan, riding horses in the mountains, chatting with the locals, and understanding all the phenomena of the modern world. Perhaps he is least interested in football because he says that a lot of useful things can be done during that time. The only thing that may be unusual is that even he is 34, he is still not married in Azerbaijan. But, he has a highly original opinion, that it is not important whether the girl is beautiful or rich, but whether their thoughts agree. And he seems to be right again. One should be honest, love one’s country, selflessly teach others and be open to all, and of course, be careful in all these stunts and respect yourself.