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Zorica Grujičić (1986 – ) Izgubljena u pandemiji / Lost in pandemic

7 Apr , 2020  

Već nekoliko dana pratim sudbinu medicinske sestrekoja radi sa Anom.  Izgleda zaista izgubljena u gradskoj bolnici. Utisak je da je niko ne leči jer  mora da se bukvalno bori da dobije terapiju, obroke i medicinsku negu. Zamislite samo da je temperaturna lista obešena na krevet, prazna, a treba da piše hlorokin, antibiotik i ko zna šta još što možda leči virusnu upalu pluća. Na boci za infuziju nije napisan lek, a navodno je stavljen.

Na dan kada su je pregledali, čekala je 6 sati gladna, iscrpljena i konačno, oko ponoći, prevezena je u bolnicu. Sutra ujutro, nakon insistiranja, doručak je stigao oko 10 h, ali ne i terapija. I to se sve rutinski ponavlja svakog dana – haos. Na sreću Ana ima koleginicu sa studija, pa je uspela barem da joj obezbedi lekove.

A sve počelo otkad je kao medicinska sestra zaražena tokom rada u Urgentnom centru, gde su je prebacili sa odeljenja, ali bez dovoljno zaštitne opreme. Izgubili smo toliko medicinskih radnika na taj način. Čuo sam da im nedostaje medicinsko osoblje i zbog toga mnogi rade 16 sati. Definitivno smo se izgubili u pandemiji, ali takođe nismo uspeli da vidimo žrtvovanje medicinskih sestara uprkos tome što su one najvažnija karika u pobedi nad koronom.

Međutim, sve ovo mi čini već viđeno, ne samo u strašnim godinama iza nas, već i u jako dobrom filmu Gorana Markovića „Variola Vera“. U njemu je između ostalog na neki način odata pošta medicinskim sestrama koje su se žrtvovale radeći u nemogućim uslovima. Ostao je upečatjiv lik sestre Slavice koji je odlično odigrala Vladica Milosavljević. O svemu sam pisao u knjizi „Kinoteka doktora Frankeštajna“ https://books.google.ca/books?id=G6ByAgAAQBAJ&lr= a naslov poglavlja je bio „Medicinskim sestrama i nekim doktorima“. Ja znam da mnogo doktora požrtvovano radi, ali nekako mi se čin i da nije fer da nekako uvek ne vidimo medicinske sestre, pogotovo ne kad imaju Covid pneumopniju.

I have been following the fate of a nurse working with Anna for several days now. She looks really lost in a city hospital. The impression is that no one is treating her, and because of that, she has to literally struggle to get therapy, meals and medical care. Just imagine that the temperature list is empty, and it should be written chloroquine, an antibiotic, and who knows what else can possibly cure viral pneumonia. No medicine was written on the infusion bottle, and was allegedly placed.

On the day she was examined, she waited 6 hours, hungry, exhausted, and finally, around midnight, she was transported to the hospital. Tomorrow morning, after the urging, breakfast arrived around 10am, but not therapy. And this is all being routinely repeated every day – chaos. Fortunately, Anna has a classmate, so at least she was able to get her medication.

And it all started since she, as a nurse, was infected while working at the Urgent Center. She was transferred from the ward, but without enough protective equipment. We lost so many medical professionals that way. I have heard that they lack medical staff and that is why many work 16 hours. We definitely got lost in the pandemic, but we also failed to see the sacrifice of nurses despite they are the most important link in winning the corona.

However, all this seems to me already seen, not only in the terrible years behind us, but also in a very good film by Goran Markovic „Variola Vera“. Among other things, it addressed the nurses who sacrificed themselves by working in impossible conditions. A striking character of Sister Slavica, who has played well Vladica Milosavljevic is still impressive. I wrote everything in the book „Cinematheque of Dr. Frankenstein“ https://books.google.ca/books?id=G6ByAgAAQBAJ&lr= and the title of the chapter was „To nurses and some doctors.“ I know a lot of doctors who work hard, but somehow it seems to me that it’s not fair that we always don’t see nurses, especially not when they have Covid pneumonia.




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