1000 portreta

Aleksandra Sokić Milutinović (1971) mitsko biće / mythical being

12 Jun , 2019  

Ispostavilo se da danas retko sretnete nekog ko se ozbiljno bavi medicinom.A susret sa dr Sokić je bio potpuno drugačiji. Ne samo da smo naučili nešto novo, nego smo i mi imali prilike da povežemo sport, kojim se mi bavimo, sa bolestima digestivnog sistema na tzv. kontinuiranoj edukaciji koji je ona organizovala za nas. A kruna svega su bila poglavlja iz gastroenterologije koje je napisala za udžbenik iz Sportske medicine. Onda je postala naš lekar, pregledala je i Mariju i mene. Za one koji misle da je ovo normalno, mogu samo da kažem da i nije, jer je u današnjoj medicini nestao poredak u kome je vizita jedna od najvažnijih stvari, gde je pacijent u centru pažnje, a lekari se dokazuju u lečenju bolesti. Iako dr Sokić ima osebujni pristup pacijentu, ona zaista razmišlja o njemu. U to smo se uverili i kada je preuzele neke sportiste. A tek kada smo dobili prvi TUE (izuzeće radi terapijske upotrebe, koje sa daje sportistima koji moraju da koriste zabranjene lekove) znali smo i da je ona nas slušala. Konačno smo prošle nedelje bili na internističkoj sekciji Srpskog lekarskog društva, posvećenoj biološkoj terapiji. Predavala je kao i uvek dobro, iako je pričala nešto što 90% lekara ne zna, pošto se o tome još ne uči  na fakultetu. Ponovo smo od nje naučili nešto novo i bili zadovoljni što još uvek u svakoj oblasti postoji bar jedan lekar koji razume nove terapijske pristupe. U suštini dobar lekar danas je kao mitsko biće, jer ga nije lako naći.

It seems rare to meet someone today who is really acting as  medical doctor. And with Dr. Sokic it was more than that. Not only that we learn something new, but we also had the opportunity to connect the sport, that we deal, with diseases of the digestive system to the so-called CME education that she organized for us. And the crown of everything was the chapters of gastroenterology that she wrote for the textbook of Sports Medicine that we prepared. Then she became our doctor, she examined Marija and me. For those who think this is normal, I can only say that it is not, because in today’s medicine the order in which physician’s visit, is one of the most important things, where the patient is at the center of attention, and doctors prove themselves in the treatment of the disease. Although Dr Sokic has a peculiar approach to the patients, she really is thinking about them. We were also convinced of this and when she took over some athletes. And when we got the first TUE (the therapeutic use exemption, which gives athletes right  to use the prohibited drugs) we knew that she was listening to us too. Finally, last week we were on the internal medical section of the Serbian Medical Society, dedicated to biological therapy. She lectured as always well, although she talked about something that 90% of doctors do not know, since they are not taught at the faculty. We learned something from her again and were pleased that there is at least one doctor in each field who understands new therapeutic approaches. Basically, a good doctor today is like a mythical being, it is not easy to find.

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