1000 portreta

Biljana Stojanović (1972) DBS – Dear Biljana Stojanović

16 Jun , 2022  

Iako skraćenica znači sasvim nešto drugo kada je u pitanju naš zajednički rad  može se sasvim prikladno upotrebiti i ovako, jer upravo oslikava Biljanu koju smo je upoznali, kao stručnjaka, entuzijastu i velikog radnika, a onda shvatili da je nenametljiva, blaga i dovoljno uporna da neke stvari istera. U ovom zadnjem smo joj malo pomogli, ali smo tek onda videli koliko je vredna, kompetitivna i dobra. Baš smo ponosni što smo mogli da pomognemo da se se zaposli u drugoj najboljoj laboratoriji na svetu u antidopingu.

Možda nam je zbog svega čudno zašto nisu podjednako ponosne njene kolege sa Beogradskog farmacetuskog fakulteta, jer ona je stala kao vrstan stručnjak baš tamo. I ne samo što se uspešno bavila analitikom, već je bila rodonačelnik jednog novog predmeta, sportske farmacije. I kada smo mislili da će njenu poziciju u laboratoriji Fakultet iskoristiti kao prednost i time se hvaliti, kolege su je otpustile. Nije pomogao ni primer profesorke farmacije iz Norveške, Guro Forshdal, koje ne samo da nije otpuštena nakon provedenih desetak godina u laboratoriji u Sajbersdorfu, već joj je pri povratku ponuđeno mesto dekana.

Izgleda da je dobro što je Biljana prihvatili igru „Dosta Besmislica Sada“ i produžila svojim putem. Ne samo da je postala prepoznata u naučnim krugovima koji se bave analitikom u dopingu, napisala nekoliko destina radova, već je verovatno kao prirodnom protivtežom izbrana za redovnog profesora na novo otvorenom Farmaceutskom fakultetu na univerzitetu Singidunum. Možda me je sve što joj se dešavalo,  podsetila na uloge velikog DBS (Danilo Bata Stojković) koji je kroz svoje uloge ismejavao socijalističke ideale i društvo koje počiva na neznanju i sopstvenoj paranoji.

Bilo je tu još nekih privatnih uspeha ili ih samo ja tako vidim, ali o tome neću javno osim što sam zadovoljan razvojem događaja.

Konačno nastavak nekoliko zajedničkih istraživanja je nastavljen DBS projektom ili radom na analizi suve kapi krvi („Dried Blood Spot“) koji mi je poslužio za naziv ovog portreta, jer on ne samo da oslikava da onaj ko radi uspeva već i da onaj ko se ne osvrće ide napred. Tako će Draga Biljana Stojanović radeći na novoj vrsti analitičkog uzorka otići toliko daleko da svoj fakultet neće moći ni da vidi, a siguran sam da će joj se tek otvoriti mnoga nova vrata.

Although the abbreviation means something utterly different regarding our joint work, it can be used quite appropriately. It describes Biljana, whom we met as an expert, enthusiast, and great worker, and then realized that she is modest, gentle, and persistent enough to some things are expelled. We helped her a little in the last one, but then we saw how hardworking, competitive and good she is. We are very proud that we were able to help her get a job in the second-best laboratory in the world in antidoping.

Maybe because of everything, we are surprised why her colleagues from the Belgrade Faculty of Pharmacy are not equally proud because she stood there as a great expert. And not only that she successfully deal with analytics, but she was the founder of a new subject, sports pharmacy. And when we thought that the Faculty would use her position in the laboratory as an advantage and brag about it, her colleagues fired her. The example of a pharmacy professor from Norway, Guro Forshdal, who not only was not fired after ten years of work in a laboratory in Seibersdorf but, on the contrary, offered the position of dean on her return, did not help either. 

It seems that it is good that Biljana accepted the game „Enough Nonsense Now“ (on Serbian DBS – Dosta Besmislica Sada) and continued on her way. Not only did she become recognized in scientific circles dealing with doping analysis, and she wrote several dozen of scientific papers, but she was probably chosen as a „natural counterweight“ to the position of full professor at the newly opened Faculty of Pharmacy at Singidunum University. Maybe everything that happened to her reminded me of the great DBS (Danilo Bata Stojković), who, through his roles, satirized socialist ideals and a society based on ignorance and his own paranoia. 

There were some other private successes, or only I see them that way, but I will not talk about them publicly except that I am satisfied with the development of events. 

Finally, the continuation of several joint pieces of research was continued by the DBS project or work on the analysis of dry blood spots („Dried Blood Spot“), which served me as the title of this portrait because it not only depicts that the one who works succeeds but also the one who does not look back goes forward. Thus, working on a new type of analytical sample, Dear Biljana Stojanović will go so far that she will not be able to see her Faculty, and I am sure many new doors will open for her.


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