Ispostavilo se da je naša generacija lekara postala vrlo uspešna, što verovatno ni mi sami nismo mogli da očekujemo. Baš bi bilo interesantno da svaku generaciju po završetku medicinskog fakulteta pitaju šta misli o sebi i svojim budućim dometima. Naravno i među dobrim lekarima postoje najbolji, gde sigurno spada Milan. Ako pođemo od toga da je izabrao ORL i zaposlio se u Zemunskoj bolnici, već bi mogli da imate dilemu kako je uspeo. Međutim, zahvaljujući radu i poštovanju osnovnih načela medicine Milan je uspeo i to bi verovatno bilo tako bez obzira gde radio i kojom se specijalizacijom bavio. Danas imate retko lekare koji slušaju tegobe i simptome pacijenta, pa tek onda prelaze na složenije dijagnostičke procedure. A Milan mi je baš pre nekoliko dana analizom simptoma jednog pacijenta došao do konačne dijagnoze u trenutku kada smo se spremali da uradimo CT i ko zna šta sve ne još. I tu me je podsetio na profesore koje su mene učili internu medicinu i na još jedno pitanje koje me muči – zašto više nema klasične piramide na svakom odeljenju, gde se zna ko je najstariji i najiskusniji, gde je vizita svetinja, a odnos pacijentu suština. I tu je Milan nenadmašan, koliko je komplikovanih dijagnoza kod meni bliskih ljudi razrešio na dobrobit pacijenta, a na način koji pacijenti prepričavaju, pa bilo da su profesori univerziteta ili paraplegičari u kolicima. To ophođenje i strpljenje i taj gospodski odnos u komunikaciji sa ljudima očigledno su samo neki od nas zadržali. Verovatno za Milana najviše važi misao jednog od očeva savremene medicine, Vilijama Oslera: „Dobar lekar leči bolest, a veliki lekar leči pacijenta koji je bolestan.“
It turned out that our generation of doctors became very successful, which we probably could not even expect from ourselves. It would be interesting to ask each generation at the end of the medical faculty what they think about themselves and their future perspective. Of course, there are always the best medics among the good doctors, where Milan is one of them. If we start from his choice of ENT specialization and getting hired at the Zemun Hospital, you might already have a dilemma of how he managed it. However, thanks to the work and respecting the basic principles of medicine, Milan succeeded, and that would probably be the same regardless where he worked and what he specialized. Today, there are rarely a physicians who listens to the patient’s symptoms, and then do more complicated diagnostic procedures. And just a few days ago, analyzing the symptom of one patient, Milan came to the final diagnosis at the moment when we were about to do CT and who knows what else. He reminded me of professors who taught me internal medicine and another question that bother me – why there is no longer a classical pyramid in each medical department, where it is known who is the oldest and the most experienced, where the patient’s visits are the most important, and the attitude of the patient is the essence. And here Milan is unprecedented, how many complicated diagnosis of to people close to me he has resolved for the benefit of the patient, and in the way that the patients appreciate, whether they are university professors or paraplegics in the wheelchairs. This treatment and patience, and gentleman’s approach to people, obviously only some of us retained. Probably for Milan the thought of one of the fathers of modern medicine, William Osler, is the most valid: “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.”