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Silvio Calvi (1945) – Više od prijatelja / More than a friend

25 Mar , 2018  

Večeras sam sreo dva prijatelja sa kojima me je povezala ljubav prema planini. Koliko se divim Budi, toliko sa Silvijem osećam bliskost. U mnogim situacijama smo imali potpuno isto mišljenje iako nismo razmenili ni reč. I danas je bilo dovoljno da se pogledamo. Kakav je on borac, već više od decenije živi sa transplantiranom jetrom i raduje se svakom danu. To je ono što i ja mislim da treba, jer znam da nije pametno reći živeću, jer sutra će već biti kasno, treba živeti svaki dan, kako je govorio Silvijev predak Marko Valerije Marcijal. Iako nas deli skoro tri decenije potpuno se razumemo. Samo u nekim situacijama proveravam da li sam u pravu, zapitkujući Silvija.  Uglavnom mi odgovara otvoreno, samo ponekad kaže budi strpljiv i uživaj život. Strpljenju se još učim. Nadam se da ću se sa Silvijem još dugo družiti, a da ćemo već na leto ponovo popeti neku planinu i uživati u zalasku sunca.

Tonight, I met two friends with whom love for mountains has connected me. How much I admire Buddha, so much with Silvio I feel closeness. In many situations, we had exactly the same opinion, even though we did not exchange a word. And today it was enough to look at him. How great fighter he is. He has been living with a transplanted liver for more then decade and he is enjoying every day. That’s what I think, because I know it’s not smart to say I’ll live, because tomorrow it will be late, you have to live every day, as Silvio’s ancestor Marcus Valerius Martialis said. Although between us is almost three decades, we completely understood each other. Only in some situations I am checking whether I am right, by asking Silvio. He mostly responds to me openly, only sometimes says be patient and enjoy life. I’m still learning patience. I hope that I will hang out with Silvio for a long time, and that we will climb a mountain once again this year and enjoy the sunset together.


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