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Snežana Samardžić Marković (1966) – Dancing queen

27 Nov , 2017  

Neki susreti vas jednostavno obraduju. Danas sam posle dužeg vremena imao prilike da ponovo vidim svoju Ministarku. Rekao sam da moram da napravim jednu crno belu fotografiju, da bih posle nešto napisao. Odgovorila je da ako je slikam nema potrebe ništa da napišem. I to je bilo apsolutno tačno. Preda mnom je stajala ista ona uspešna žena koja je znala šta želi i sa kojoj sam voleo da radim.  Snežana Samardžić Marković je postala Ministarka sa dosta osporavanja od strane uglavnom nebitnih ljudi, a da bi je uvredili njenu ekspertizu su poredili sa balerinom koja želi da vodi sport. Vrlo brzo se ispostavilo da je balerina bolji poznavalac sporta nego neki trofejni sportisti, a da je trag koji je ostavila postao osnova  današnjeg sportskog sistema u zemlji. Jednostavno svako ko želi da uredi neku oblast mora da počne od plana odnosno strategije, a da onda da postavljanjem jasnih pravila to sprovede. I naš boravak na konferenciji Play the game je deo tog minulog rada, jer pristup sportistima u Srbiji po pitanju antidopinga prevazilazi nacionalno i predstavlja dobar model za internacionalnu zajednicu. A zajednica to nepogrešivo prepozna, kao što je prepoznala Snežanin kvalitet koja je postala jedan od direktora Saveta Evrope. Mislim da su to i u Srbiji mnogi na kraju shvatili, pa je kao retko koji Ministar ispraćena u zvuke Abine pesme Dancing queen. Eh, da su gubitnici znali šta je Pas de Chat u baletu, znali bi da je balet u mnogo čemu ozbiljniji od sporta i da se sa balerinom nije šaliti.

Some encounters simply touch you. Today, after a long time, I had the opportunity to see my Minister again. I told her that I had to make a black and white photo, so that I could write something afterwards. She replied that if I did that, I did not need to write anything. And that was absolutely correct. In front of me was the same successful woman who knew what she wanted and with whom I liked to work. Snežana Samardžić Marković became a Minister with a lot of controversy by mostly irrelevant people, and to offend her expertise they compared her with the ballerina who likes to run the sport. It quickly turned out that the ballerina is a better professional in the sport than some trophy athletes, and that the imprints she left has become the basis of today’s sports system in the country. Simply anyone who wants to manage anything has to start from the plan or strategy, and then, by setting clear rules to do so. Our attendance at the Play the game conference is legacy of this past work, because approach to athletes in Serbia regarding antidoping issues goes beyond national and represents a good model for the international community. And the community recognizes this unmistakably, as Snežana’s quality has recognized and she has become one of the directors of the Council of Europe. I think that many of them eventually understood the same in Serbia, so it is rarely that the Minister is saluted with the sounds of Abba’a song Dancing queen. If that  losers knew what is the Pas de Chat in the ballet, they would know that the ballet is much more serious than sports and that is not good to make fun with a ballerina.


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