Ni sam ne znam zašto pre nisam pisao o Vladi, kada je za to bilo mnogo razloga. Nisam siguran da nas je bilo ko toliko podržao, i ne samo podržao nego izveo na put nauke u pravom smislu te reči. Kada veliki broj institucija u našoj zemlji ne nalazi načina da bude profesionalan Fakultet medicinskih nauka i pored teškoća to uspeva.
I kada se činilo da će problemi nadvladati sistem, Vlada je postao dekan i pokazao šta znači kada zajednički interes pobedi lični, kada moraju da se donesu nepopularne odluke i kada svaki dan predstavlja borbu. Ovo poslednje Vlada je činio uvek i možda više za druge nego za sebe. Prava retkost u našem svetu, pomagati drugima bez uslovljavanja, jednostavno, jer možete. Možda ga je baš to preporučilo da postane dekan jer pokazao mnogima kako tretira one koji ne mogu da učine ništa za njega. I to je verovatno najvažnije za pravog lidera da da lični primer, da stvori svoj tim i pretvori viziju u relanost. Danas sam sve ovo doživeo gledajući jedan dan Dekana.
Podsetio mi je filozofiju Hjulita i Pakarda , jer je Vlada prešao sve stepenice do mesta dekana, što je suština rukovođenja. Međutim, za razliku od velikog HP još nema pravi tim, jer se na tome jednostavno na tome nije radilo. A suština filozofije Hjulita i Pakarda je stvoriti organizaciju, a ne imperiju ili bogatstvo. To ionako dolazi samo po sebi, ako ne stvarate poslušnike, nego tim. A Vlada se danas baš trudio da podrži sve što mu je predočeno, jer zna da samo ljudi zajedno mogu da održe sistem. Međutim ti ljudi bi morali da znaju moju omiljenu HP izreku: „Doprinosite nešto svaki dan. Ako ne doprinesete, ne napuštajte garažu.”
I don’t know why I didn’t write about the Vlada before, since there were many reasons for that. I’m not sure that anyone supported us so much, and not only supported us, but brought us on the path of science in the true sense of that word. When a large number of institutions in our country do not find a way to be a professional Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac, and in spite of difficulties, it succeeds.
And when problems seemed to overcome the system, the Vlada became the Dean and showed what it means when a common interest wins personal, when unpopular decisions have to be done and when every day represents a fight. This last Vlada is always doing and maybe more for others than for himself. True rarity in our world, helping others without conditioning, simply because you can. Perhaps that was recommended him to become the Dean because he showed to everybody how he treats those who cannot do anything for him. And this is probably the most important for the right leader to give a personal example, to create his own team and transform the vision into reality. Today I have seen all this watching one day of the Dean.
He reminded me of the philosophy of the Hewlett and Packard, because Vlada has passed all the steps to the Dean’s position, which is the essence of leadership. However, unlike the big HP, there is not yet a real team behind him, because simply nobody didn’t work on that. And the essence of the philosophy of Hewlett and Packard is to create an organization, not an empire or wealth. It comes anyway, if you do not create a followers, but a team. And today the Vlada has been trying hard to support everything that has been presented to him, because he knows that only people can keep up the system. However, these people should know my favorite HP statement: “ Make a contribution every day. If it doesn’t contribute, it doesn’t leave the garage „