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Milan Mileusnić (1971 – 2020) Ostavio si pečat u srpskoj medicini / You left a keystone in Serbian medicine

2 Jul , 2020  

Dragi Milane, trebalo je do ostaneš sa nama. Čekao sam tvoje predavanje za virtuelni kongres sportske medicine 2020. Tako smo i krenuli 2012. u sa tvojom prvom velikom sesijom „Shock wave u kliničkoj praksi“ na 5. kongresu sportske medicine. I od tada si uvodio samo nove metode. Moram da priznam da sam za neke prvi put čuo, kao na primer za „Indibu“. U međuvremenu si započeo toliko novih stvari, većinu vezanu za regenerativnu medicinu i „anti- aging“. I dok smo mi raspravljali o terapiji plazmom obogaćenim trombocitima, ti se napravio par hiljada terapija, prvi u zemlji. Nismo se baš uvek slagali, ali bar smo uvek bili istomišljenici oko jedne stvari – da tvoj pristup fizikalnoj medicini, može da je spasi o nadolazećih samozvanih stručnjaka u fizioterapiji. Visoki si podigao lestvicu i retko ko je mogao da te prati. Mogao si da se uporediš sa vrhunskim sportistima koje se lečio. Oni su se borili za centimetre i sekunde, a  ti za novi pristup i brže izlečenje. Bio si idealan tim doktor koji je parirao najboljima. I nećeš to ostati poznat po tome što si lečio mnoge poznate glumce i pevače, već po tome si ostavio pečat u srpskoj medicini. Svako bi od nas to verovatno želeo, ali malo će uspeti da stane u red sa prof. Arnoljevićem, prof. Smodlakom, prof. Jovićem i ostalim učiteljima sportske i fizikalne medicine. Meni jasno da svaki život ima kraj, ali ti si otišao prerano. Bila je privilegija poznavati te i raditi s tobom.

Dear Milan, it would be best if you had stayed with us. I was waiting for your lecture for the virtual congress of sports medicine 2020. That’s how we started in 2012 with your first big lecture „Shock wave in clinical practice“ at the 5th congress of sports medicine. And since then you have only introduced new methods. I have to admit that I heard about some for the first time, such as „Indiba.“ In the meantime, you’ve started so many new things, mostly related to regenerative medicine and anti-aging. And while we discussed platelet-enriched plasma therapy, you made a couple of thousand treatments, first in the country. We didn’t always agree, but we were still like-minded about one thing – that your approach to physical medicine can save us from the upcoming self-proclaimed experts in physiotherapy. You raised the ladder high, and rarely could anyone follow you. You could compare yourself to the top athletes who were treated. You were the ideal team of doctors to match the best. They fought for centimeters and seconds, and you fought for a new approach and faster healing. And you will not remain famous for treating many famous actors and singers, but for leaving your mark in Serbian medicine. Each of us would probably want that, but he will manage to get in line with prof. Arnoljevic, prof. Smodlaka, prof. Jovic and other teachers of sports and physical medicine. It is clear to me that every life has an end, but you left too soon. It was a privilege to know you and work with you.


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